Thursday 28 October 2010

Nothing New

Intertextuality actually seems pretty awesome to be honest. Especially for me considering I've been looking out for these kinds of things ever since I got interested in Films.

The planet of the apes reference is a fantastic example of intertextuality as it has been reproduced in so much media. Another reference to Simpson's...

The classic 'Planet of the Apes: Musical' Starring Troy McClure! (Somehow I always relate something I hear back to the Simpson's)
...I had that song in my head for the rest of the day as well...

The Simpsons is a good example of using intertextuality as well as most episodes feature some kind of joke or pun that requires knowledge of media to understand.
However this can go too far when used as every pun or joke (I'm looking at you Family Guy...)

I also have a fascination for 'The Rock Drill' (which I studied twice for both my Art GCSE and A-Level) because of it's use of raw shape in unique ways. I'd never thought of it like Geiger's Alien however!

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